Puppies Make Spring Happy

Ron Spomer Outdoors, Setter Puppies

In spring a young person's fancy may turn to love, but mine turns toward puppies. A puppy is hope personified, a bundle of joyous potential and unqualified affection. Playing with, petting, rough housing or just watching puppies knocks at least 10 years off your life -- and it happens each time you do it. A spring without a puppy is like a year without Christmas. With a puppy in the family, everyone looks forward to better days and more of them, to seasons of fall harvest in which the young dog grows and becomes everything its potential suggests it should be and its owner knows it will be. Hunting dog pups like these English setters, put the promise back into life -- the promise that there will be birds hatched and grown this summer. There will be rain and grass and waving wheat, aspens and elderberries and golden mornings yet to come. The world itself is reborn, and we with it. Puppies and spring. May it always be so. # # #


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