Kimber M84 in 270 Win., Leupold VX-3 2.5-10X40mm.

Cattle egrets and Cape buffalo in an African wet meadow.

Nebraska greater prairie chickens rest amid Liatris wild flowers with the Federal shotshells and Benelli Ethos shotgun used to bag them.

by Ron SpomerRon Spomer's blog on this site has been eclectic, somewhat entertaining and (I hope) educational -- but irregular. It's about to become regular. Regular as in "consistent" rather than "prunes." Regular in coverage of shooting, hunting, guns, ammo, optics, ballistics, camping and wildlife photography. We'll season it with a healthy sprinkling of natural history and conservation topics to ensure we remember what we're enjoying and what we need to do to perpetuate it. I don't know about you, but my abiding interest in firearms and shooting would diminish greatly if there were no deer, elk, moose, sheep, pheasants and rabbits to hunt. In order to fully appreciate the potential of any firearm I'm tuning, I need to know the wonderful, wild world is still out there in all its glory, a sustaining partner in this fascinating, still mysterious cycle of life on Earth. To be a hunter is to be an integral part of Nature, not a passive observer sheltered behind surrogates hired to do the real living. I want to see, hear, smell, feel and taste the secret lives of the beasts of the forests, the fowls of the air, the fish of the sea. I want to take part in this incredibly rich, beautiful world we've all been given the opportunity to be part of. So, twice a week, at minimum, I'll post a new blog with the kinds of details I don't get the space to cover in various print publications. Details like the brands and models of rifles, scopes, cartridges, brass, primers, powder and bullets used for hunting, target shooting, gun tuning and even plinking. I'll spill the beans on triggers, stock bedding, barrel oscillation, powder burning rates, ballistics, trajectories, wind deflection, spin drift, scope reticles and binocular prisms. I'll describe how I stalk whitetail across 400 yards of bare pasture, sneak through the middle of elk herds and roust ringneck pheasants from 80-acre CRP fields. Through the magic of words, photos and videos, I'll take you to the snowcapped spires of the Alaska Range, the treeless slopes of the Brooks Range and the snow-buried birch forests of Kamchatka. We'll go in search of blue grouse atop the ridges of Idaho. We'll scramble through the secret coverts of Arizona's spectacular Mearn's quail and South Dakota's prairie chickens. We'll crawl through the sands of the Kalahari to find the world's most spectacular oryx and biggest kudu and wade through the swamps of Mozambique in the wake of black-horned Cape buffalo, as shown in this video. I would be honored if you would join me, regularly, on my blogging adventures through our exciting and fulfilling outdoor world of hunting, exploring, shooting, photographing and living the wild life.# # # 


Volquartsen 17 WSM Semi-Auto


Boot Up Anticipation