Is 338 Win Mag the New 375 H&H Magnum?
Can the smaller 338 Win Mag really keep pace with the 375 H&H Mag?
270 Winchester, 7mm Rem. Mag., & 300 Win. Mag. Performance Differences (Are they enough to Matter?)
Is the 270 Win. big enough to take elk? And are the 7mm Remington Magnum and 300 Winchester Magnum significantly more effective? A look at ballistics and bull elk response to all three.
300 PRC Versus 300 Winchester Magnum
The 300 PRC doesn’t blow the 300 Winchester Magnum off the trajectory charts, but it’s concocted with secret dimensions that make it the extreme range accuracy winner.
300 WSM Snake Oil or Solid
The 300 WSM has proven to be the short-action equal of the longer 300 Win. Mag., making it suitable for hunting just about anything, anywhere.