Frog’s Best Bait
I’ve always been a firm believer that a big 10- to 12–inch shiner is one of the most effective ways to catch big bass. Unfortunately, your first problem may be finding such big shiners in your local bait shop. You may have to catch them yourself. You can chum for shiners with oatmeal and bread crumbs and catch them with doughballs on a No. 12 or 14 hook. The best way to fish live shiners is to cast them along shorelines or floating vegetation.
Sport Hunting?
Should sport hunting even be allowed? Let’s hope so because it’s restored and protected our wildlife and wild places against unfettered meat hunting for more than a century. Sport hunting means rules and regulations the limit killing while funding restoration and maintenance.
Nature of Living in the Wild
Good old Ma Nature votes against animal rights activists. Her idea of animal rights is every animal has the right to kill and eat whatever it wants. And must. For the good of the system.