Make Steak, Not War
Don’t let the guns and ammo used by hunters fool you into thinking this is war or wildlife.
Growing Up with a Hunting Dad Was a Precious Gift
If I could fashion my childhood memories into a quilt, I’d sew in a bunch of red squares to memorialize some of my brightest days as a kid.¬
A red cotton T-shirt or flannel was my dad’s usual hunting shirt of choice. He’d pair it with wool pants and add a jacket and blaze orange to complete the woods-ready outfit. Back then, camo wasn’t really the trend and he seldom wore it.
When Dead Ducks Fly
Once upon a duck hunt long, long ago we met the mallard with nine lives.
Alaska Mountain Goat Hunt
Sleeping, eating, hiking and hunting on glaciers leads to mountain goats. But then you still have to hit them and carry them out.