7x66 vom Hofe Super Express: (Why the .28 Nosler is Actually Almost 70 years old)
The .28 Nosler might be one of the most useful cartridge inventions of the 21st century. This powerful .284 cartridge is heavy and perfect for long-range shooting. It also doubles as an ideal choice for countless hunting scenarios around the globe. Everything shy of dangerous game will inevitably fall to a properly placed bullet of appropriate construction. All that out of a standard length cartridge with steep shoulders and minimal body taper to increase powder capacity.
The Magic of Outdoor Books
Mr. Bruun doesn’t pull any punches about the current lack of outdoor stories of yesteryear. “I was and still am thinking about all that wonderful writing that used to come tumbling out of the Madison Avenue produced pure outdoor magazines.” I agree. I was part of that era of classic outdoor literature no longer published by outdoor magazines. Why has this happened?
My Life with Knives
I think I have an incurable knife fetish. I’m not happy unless I have a knife in my pocket. I feel incomplete unless I have a sharp fillet knife in my tackle box when fishing. I always carry a folding knife on my belt and a fixed blade knife in my pack if I’m hunting. Keeping my knives sharp is a year-round job.
To Catch A Trout
It’s been a long cold winter, but it’s almost over, and it’s time to start thinking about trout fishing. I love trout fishing with flies, but if history repeats itself and you want to take home a limit of trout, you might have to change your tactics. In all probability, your favorite stream will be high, fast, and muddy.
Frog’s Best Bait
I’ve always been a firm believer that a big 10- to 12–inch shiner is one of the most effective ways to catch big bass. Unfortunately, your first problem may be finding such big shiners in your local bait shop. You may have to catch them yourself. You can chum for shiners with oatmeal and bread crumbs and catch them with doughballs on a No. 12 or 14 hook. The best way to fish live shiners is to cast them along shorelines or floating vegetation.
Lures That Made History
Many years ago, I used it to catch one of my biggest largemouth bass on Indian Lake in New Jersey. I now would never consider tying it to my line and casting it into a bed of lily pads. I also checked eBay and found the same Crazy Crawler for sale for $85. I would have to be destitute before parting with that lure.