The New Magnum 30-06
30-06 all washed up? Hardly. With today’s bullets and powder it’s faster and deadlier than ever, the equal of the 300 Win. Mag. of the 20th century.
Six Ways to Improve Your Stalking
Being as stealthy as possible while moving through hunting grounds is essential. If you're still trying to hunt through potential bedding areas, closing in on game you spotted from afar, trying to sneak to your tree stand for a sit, or you're tracking bucks as they do in New England, every noise you make is too much.
338 Federal Cartridge Surprise
The little know 338 Federal is a short-action, surprisingly powerful, flat-shooting cartridge suitable for deer, elk, moose, caribou, bear hunting.
Make Steak, Not War
Don’t let the guns and ammo used by hunters fool you into thinking this is war or wildlife.
35 Whelen: Poor Man’s 375 H&H?
The little known 35 Whelen approaches 375 H&H Magnum performance in a 30-06-size cartridge with less recoil than the 375 and surprisingly flat trajectory.