Is 338 Win Mag the New 375 H&H Magnum?
Can the smaller 338 Win Mag really keep pace with the 375 H&H Mag?
Why Big Bore Cartridges are Not That Popular
Dangerous game big bores aren’t popular because they are expensive and they kick. Hard. But when you need one, you really need one.
7x66 vom Hofe Super Express: (Why the .28 Nosler is Actually Almost 70 years old)
The .28 Nosler might be one of the most useful cartridge inventions of the 21st century. This powerful .284 cartridge is heavy and perfect for long-range shooting. It also doubles as an ideal choice for countless hunting scenarios around the globe. Everything shy of dangerous game will inevitably fall to a properly placed bullet of appropriate construction. All that out of a standard length cartridge with steep shoulders and minimal body taper to increase powder capacity.
Unknown 22 Cartridge Shoots Faster than 220 Swift
The .220 Swift is one hell of a cartridge, often said to be the fastest commercial cartridge on the market. But is that true? Perhaps not quite! The claim might be valid in the American market, but there’s a certain german cartridge that can shoot .224 bullets of any given weight up to 100 fps faster than the Swift. To no surprise, the cartridge I refer to has a metric designation: the 5.6x57mm.
New Cartridges Are Old News
Are you sic of new rifle cartridges? Wish they just make enough of the old ones? Well don’t hold your breath while you wait. Ammo designers have been cranking out new, redundant, and sometimes superfluous new cartridges for more than 150 years — and show no signs of stopping. Meet some of the forgotten rounds of yesteryear.
270 Winchester, 7mm Rem. Mag., & 300 Win. Mag. Performance Differences (Are they enough to Matter?)
Is the 270 Win. big enough to take elk? And are the 7mm Remington Magnum and 300 Winchester Magnum significantly more effective? A look at ballistics and bull elk response to all three.
300 PRC Versus 300 Winchester Magnum
The 300 PRC doesn’t blow the 300 Winchester Magnum off the trajectory charts, but it’s concocted with secret dimensions that make it the extreme range accuracy winner.
338 Federal Cartridge Surprise
The little know 338 Federal is a short-action, surprisingly powerful, flat-shooting cartridge suitable for deer, elk, moose, caribou, bear hunting.
Reloading Your Own Ammunition
Reloading or handloading your own rifle ammunition lets you tailor it to use a greater variety of bullets. You can easily improve accuracy, reduce recoil, and save money.
Diagnosing Your Rifle’s Impacts
Deterningint where your rifle shoots at various distances often requires more than just a ballistic calculation. Extensive field shooting tells the tale. Here are a dozen variables to beware.