Sport Hunting?
Should sport hunting even be allowed? Let’s hope so because it’s restored and protected our wildlife and wild places against unfettered meat hunting for more than a century. Sport hunting means rules and regulations the limit killing while funding restoration and maintenance.
The Versatile 223 Remington
The 223 Remington is the biggest selling cartridge in the USA. But what’s it good for? More than you might guess.
223 Remington, 22-250, 220 Swift and Friends for Deer Hunting?
Are 22-caliber rifles suitable for deer hunting? Can the 223 Remington, 22-250 Remington, 220 Swift, 22 Hornet, 20 Nosler, 224 Valkyrie or any other 22-caliber shooting .224” bullets effective for hunting big game? Ballistics, energy, range all investigated here.
Growing Up with a Hunting Dad Was a Precious Gift
If I could fashion my childhood memories into a quilt, I’d sew in a bunch of red squares to memorialize some of my brightest days as a kid.¬
A red cotton T-shirt or flannel was my dad’s usual hunting shirt of choice. He’d pair it with wool pants and add a jacket and blaze orange to complete the woods-ready outfit. Back then, camo wasn’t really the trend and he seldom wore it.
Shed Antler Hunt for Archery Elk Advantage
Public-land DIY archery elk hunting is taxing enough without knowing where to find elk. I find them by antler hunting in spring. You can too.
For me, elk scouting is a year-round activity, but spring is one of the most revealing times because it gives me a head-start on fall elk success.